How does this marvelous web site work?
Site Generation and Hosting
This website it hosted on GitHub Pages , which integrates Jekyll, a static site generator. You can find the source for the site at
Previously, I had written a custom site generator, called WASTE, but found I was spending more time working on it than I did writing content for the site. I abandoned it, but the WASTE sources are available, should you wish to see some hacked-together python code.
I’ve slightly modified an existing Jekyll theme called Pixyll as I wasn’t happy with the readability of my homemade CSS.
For code highlighting, I forked a popular text editor theme called Lucario. This is the same theme I use for my vimrc and terminal.
One particular aspect of this website is its connection to Travis-CI, a continuous integration system. When I push new content to GitHub, Travis will automatically attempt to build the site and verify any URLs are present and correct. I’ll be emailed the results of the build, on success or failure. I can also include an icon on this page showing the build status.
Sitemap pings
WASTE, my homemade site generator, could atomically ping Google and Microsoft Bing to alert them that a new version of the site was available. There are actually several locations where we can hook into the GitHub and Travis build process to perform the same tasks. These mechanisms will be documented at a later stage.
I like data, and the site access logs are tracked using Google Analytics. Its probably overkill for my requirements, which is just to reassure myself that someone is actually getting value from my writing.
Affiliate Links
This site may have some affiliate links, which means that when you click on a link that I suggest, it may result in a commission for me. I’ll only link to items I actually use or support, and the possibility of a commission doesn’t sway my opinion of the product.
Seriously, we’re probably talking a few cents here.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the position or opinions of my employer or its affiliates.
All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.